FPGA training module
This training module aims to introduce the students to the concept of FPGAs, programming them using a higher level language (C++) and synthesizing firmware. We use Xilinx platform. The duration of this training is 1 semester (14 weeks). The detailed syllabus and series of lectures can be found below.
- Course syllabus
- Series of lectures :
- Lecture 1 Introduction to FPGA and its architecture
- Lecture 2 FPGA: Parallelism in program execution
- Lecture 3 FPGA: Clock Frequency, Latency, Pipelining
- Lecture 4 Introduction to Vivado HLS, Setup
- Lecture 5 Hands-on with vivado_hls, output review
- Lecture 6 Hands-on with vivado_hls, Introduction to Pragmas
- Lecture 7 Vivado HLS: Pragmas & more examples
- Lecture 8 Vivado HLS: Pragma’s effect on performance
- Lecture 9 Vivado HLS: More pragmas and Do’s & Don’ts
- Lecture 10 Vivado HLS: More pragmas and HLS coding styles
- Lecture 11 LHC, CMS Level-1 Trigger, Project
- Lecture 12 Project: Re-designing RCT
- Lecture 13 Introduction to VHDL
- Lecture 14 Introduction to VHDL contd.