Ryan Simeon
Biography and Interests
I am a second-year graduate student at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, working in the CMS group and advised by Professor Sridhara Dasu.
I am contributing to the Analysis Facilities effort within USCMS computing working with Fermilab scientists Dr. Lindsey Gray and Dr. Nick Smith. I am developing tools that make it easier for physicists to harness large amounts of computing power and big data for scientific analyses. In particular, I am working on a JupyterLab interface and built-in Python package that presents users with an environment pre-configured for modern Python-based data analysis and high throughput computing at our particular Analysis Facility. The work involves integrating with the CMS Tier-2 at UW-Madison and the Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) resources. This includes developing a repository of example and tutorial code that guides users from first interaction with contemporary High Energy Physics packages to performing data analysis on a computing cluster. I am also making contributions to various packages deployed at Analysis Facilities, including improving remote data access with fsspec-xrootd and developing documentation for coffea.
Recent Accomplishments
- Created a repository of annotated examples for using the Analysis Facility
- Created the cowtools package for off-the-shelf distributed computing tools for our particular Analysis Facility
- Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Nick Smith (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Lindsey Gray (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)