Main page :

To edit some of the main page features :

  • All available fields that will de displayed in the main page are included in index.html.
  • The title of the main page can be edited in _includes/masthead.html.
  • The image used as background in the main page can be changed in index.html by altering the path set in the bgimage field. The image should be stored in the directory assets/images/.
  • To change the color of the navigation bar and the footer, the color is defined in _sass/_variables.scss where you should look for $uw-color:.
  • To set the navigation bar color, search in _sass/_variables.scss for :
    @include gradient-x($navbar-dark-active-color, $uw-color, 0%, 100%);

    (should be in line 251). To change the color of the footer look in file for line :

    @include gradient-x($navbar-dark-active-color, $uw-color, 0%, 100%);

    (should be in line 291 inside the .footer-dark field).


To edit overview do to file pages/about/

To add new event :

New events shoould be added in the _data/events directory. The file should be saved in the format YYYYMMDD_name.yml. Example of format :


 name: TAC-HEP summer workshop
startdate: 2022-05-23
enddate: 2022-05-25
description: >
  - Placeholder for short description
  - i.e. training